Decommissioning of research reactors and other small facilities by making optimal use of available resources

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Bibliographic Information

"Decommissioning of research reactors and other small facilities by making optimal use of available resources"
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
Publication Year
  • 2008
Book size
24 cm.

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Available both in print and online

"STI/DOC/010/463"--t.p. verso

"June 2008"--t.p. verso

CD-rom contains: Auxiliary and annexes files, and publication catalogues

Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-71)

Summary: Worldwide, there are large numbers of research reactors and many more small facilities that utilize radioactive materials. This publication provides guidance on the safe and efficient decommissioning of those facilities. Its specific objectives are to: provide practical and specific guidance to assist in the planning and implementation of the decommissioning of small facilities where radioactive material has been used; guide the development of a decommissioning strategy making optimal use of available resources; encourage a timely, well planned approach to decommissioning; evaluate decommissioning experiences and refocus these towards a pragmatic, 'fit-for-purpose' approach meeting the needs of countries and institutions with limited local resources for small decommissioning projects.--Publisher's description

System requirements: PC or compatible; Adobe Acrobat Reader; and CD-ROM drive

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