Narrative of the captivity of Clarissa Plummer, 1838 . History of the captivity of Caroline Harris, 1838 . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn with Mrs. Harris, 1839 . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn with Mrs. Harris, 1851 . Narrative of Ransom Clark . Historical sketches of Roswell Franklin and family

Web Site CiNii 所蔵館 1館


"Narrative of the captivity of Clarissa Plummer, 1838 . History of the captivity of Caroline Harris, 1838 . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn with Mrs. Harris, 1839 . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn with Mrs. Harris, 1851 . Narrative of Ransom Clark . Historical sketches of Roswell Franklin and family"
. . . . . Robert Hubbard
  • Garland
  • 1977
23 cm
  • Narratives of Indian captivities
  • Narrative of the captivity and extreme sufferings of Mrs. Clarissa Plummer
  • History of the captivity and providential release therefrom of Mrs. Caroline Harris
  • A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn and her two children, with Mrs. Harris, by the Camanche Indians
  • An authentic and thrilling narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn and her two children, with Mrs. Harris, by the Camanche Indians, and the murder of their husbands and traveling companions
  • Narrative of Ransom Clark, the only survivor of Major Dade's command in Florida



[1] Reprint of the ed. published by Perry and Cooke, New York, under title: Narrative of the captivity and extreme sufferings of Mrs. Clarissa Plummer. [2] Reprint of the 1838 ed. published by Perry and Cooke, New York, under title: History of the captivity and providential release therefrom of Mrs. Caroline Harris. [3] Reprint of the 1839 ed. published by C. Keemle, St, Louis, under title: A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn and her two children, with Mrs. Harris, by the Camanche Indians. [4] Reprint of the 1851 ed. published by the author, Cincinnati, under title: An authentic and thrilling narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn and her two children, with Mrs. Harris, by the Camanche Indians, and the murder of their husbands and traveling companions

[5] Reprint of the 1839 ed. published by J.R. Orton, Binghamton, N.Y., under title: Narrative of Ransom Clark, the only survivor of Major Dade's command in Florida. [6] Reprint of the 1839 ed. printed by A. Stevens, Dansville, N.Y.

[1]: "Newberry Library (Ayer 256.P7.M8.1838)". [2]: "Newberry Library (Graff 1790)". [3]: "Newberry Library (Ayer 256.H7.H8.1839)". [4]: "Beinecke Library of Yale University (ZC16.C85.839hob)". [5]: "Newberry Library (Ayer 256.C59.1839)". [6]: "Newberry Library (Ayer 256.F8.H8.1839)"



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