Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Novels & stories"
- Statement of Responsibility
- Jack London ; [edited by Donald Pizer]
- Publisher
- Literary Classics of the United States
- Distributed to the trade by Viking Press
- Publication Year
- c1982
- Book size
- 21 cm
- Series Name / No
- : us
- Other Title
- Novels and stories
- Uniform Title
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"Donald Pizer wrote the notes and chronology and selected the texts for this volume"--Page facing to t. p. verso
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282272420437248
- NII Book ID
- BA63422054
- 0940450054
- 0521262143
- 82000249
- Web Site
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- New York
- [New York]
- Uniform Title ID
- Classification
- LCC: PS3523.O46
- DC19: 813/.52
- Data Source
- CiNii Books