Uranoscopia : or, The contemplation of the heavens. Being a demonstration of the equation of time. With the method of observing the solar ingresses into any point of the ecliptic : and the investigation of the aphelions, and eccentricities of the planets. The determination of the greatest elongation of Venus and Mercury from the sun. Of the mean motion of the earth, her aphelion, and the recession of the equinox : the sun and moon's true and apparent places, by calculation and observation : with the true hour of the night, by the stars, perform'd by a new quadrant. Also, an explanation and demonstration of the Keplarian and Flamsteedian methods of computing the times, and principal appearances of solar eclipses to which are added, new tables of the nonagesime degree, its altitude : the moon's parallax in altitude, longitude and latitude. With many other things useful for such a work

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Bibliographic Information

"Uranoscopia : or, The contemplation of the heavens. Being a demonstration of the equation of time. With the method of observing the solar ingresses into any point of the ecliptic : and the investigation of the aphelions, and eccentricities of the planets. The determination of the greatest elongation of Venus and Mercury from the sun. Of the mean motion of the earth, her aphelion, and the recession of the equinox : the sun and moon's true and apparent places, by calculation and observation : with the true hour of the night, by the stars, perform'd by a new quadrant. Also, an explanation and demonstration of the Keplarian and Flamsteedian methods of computing the times, and principal appearances of solar eclipses to which are added, new tables of the nonagesime degree, its altitude : the moon's parallax in altitude, longitude and latitude. With many other things useful for such a work"
Statement of Responsibility
Charles Leadbetter
  • Readex Microprint
Publication Year
  • 1975
Book size
23 × 15 cm

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Reproduction of: London : J. Wilcox, 1735. 590, [2] p. [pag. irreg.]

"Courtesy History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma"

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