Knowledge production, pedagogy, and institutions in colonial India

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"Knowledge production, pedagogy, and institutions in colonial India"
Statement of Responsibility
edited by Indra Sengupta and Daud Ali
  • Palgrave Macmillan
Publication Year
  • 2011
Book size
23 cm

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Summary: "This volume seeks to radically revise the Saidian analytical framework which dominated research on the subject of colonial knowledge for almost two decades and which emphasized colonial knowledge as a series of representations of colonial hegemony. It seeks to contribute substantially to research in the field by analyzing knowledge in colonial India as a dynamic process, produced in historically specific, and changing, social and intellectual contexts, and as an essentially unstable, fractured and contingent set of ideas and practices, produced in unpredictable and often self-contradictory ways for different audiences. It also focuses on the very important and neglected questions of indigenous agency in producing knowledge in colonial India and the related problem of knowledge dissemination and transmission"-- Provided by publisher

Includes bibliographical references and index

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