Perkiraan angka kelahiran dan kematian di Indonesia, berdasarkan sensus penduduk 1971 = Estimates of fertility and mortality in Indonesia, based on the 1971 population census
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Perkiraan angka kelahiran dan kematian di Indonesia, berdasarkan sensus penduduk 1971 = Estimates of fertility and mortality in Indonesia, based on the 1971 population census"
- Statement of Responsibility
- oleh Lee-Jay Cho ... [et al.]
- Publisher
- In-house reproduction [manufacture]
- Book size
- 28 cm
- Other Title
- 1976 intercensal population survey : organization and methods
- Ulasan singkat sensus penduduk 1971 = A brief note on 1971 population census
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Reprint. Originally published: Jakarta : Biro Pusat Statistik, 1976
English and Indonesian
"SP 76-L 02."
Bound with: Ulasan singkat sensus penduduk 1971 = A brief note on 1971 population census. -- Jakarta : Biro Pusat Statistik, 1976. -- (Sensus penduduk 1971 = 1971 population census. Serie L; no. 3); and with: 1976 intercensal population survey : organization and methods. -- (Technical report series / Biro Pusat Statistik; monograph no. 1)
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282273012307072
- NII Book ID
- BA28925760
- 77986528
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- Country Code
- io
- Title Language Code
- id
- Classification
- LCC: HA1813
- DC: 312/.1/598
- Subject
- Data Source
- CiNii Books