Hansel y Gretel
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Hansel y Gretel"
- Statement of Responsibility
- Hnos. Grimm ; ilustraciones de José Ramón Sánchez ; adaptación, Aurora Díaz Plaja
- Publisher
- Algaida
- Publication Year
- c1988
- Book size
- 27 cm
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Summary: When they are left in the woods by their parents, two children find their way home despite an encounter with a wicked witch
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282273218097408
- NII Book ID
- BA25259334
- 8476471475
- Text Lang
- es
- Country Code
- sp
- Title Language Code
- es
- Place of Publication
- Sevilla
- Subject
- JVSH: Fairy tales
- JVSH: Folklore -- Germany
- Data Source
- CiNii Books