Harmonic maps and differential geometry : a harmonic map fest in honour of John C. Wood's 60th birthday, September 7-10, 2009, Cagliari, Italy
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Harmonic maps and differential geometry : a harmonic map fest in honour of John C. Wood's 60th birthday, September 7-10, 2009, Cagliari, Italy"
- Statement of Responsibility
- E. Loubeau, S. Montaldo, editors
- Publisher
- American Mathematical Society
- Publication Year
- c2011
- Book size
- 26 cm
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Includes bibliographical references
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282273221360896
- NII Book ID
- BB05725103
- 9780821849873
- 2011000414
- Web Site
- https://lccn.loc.gov/2011000414
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- Providence, R.I.
- Subject
- LCSH: Harmonic maps -- Congresses
- LCSH: Geometry, Differential -- Congresses
- FREE: Differential geometry -- Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. msc
- FREE: Differential geometry. msc
- FREE: Global analysis, analysis on manifolds -- Variational problems in infinite-dimensional spaces -- Variational problems in infinite-dimensional spaces. msc
- FREE: Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory -- Basic linear algebra -- Miscellaneous inequalities involving matrices. msc
- FREE: Partial differential equations. msc
- FREE: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization -- Variational principles of physics -- Variational principles of physics (should also be assigned at least one other classification number in section 49). msc
- FREE: Manifolds and cell complexes -- Differential topology -- Symplectic and contact topology. msc
- FREE: Global analysis, analysis on manifolds -- Spaces and manifolds of mappings (including nonlinear versions of 46Exx) -- Spaces of imbeddings and immersions. msc
- FREE: Quantum theory -- Quantum field theory; related classical field theories -- Quantum field theory on curved space backgrounds. msc
- FREE: Wood, John C.
- Data Source
- CiNii Books