The Annual cycle and natural history of a subtropical, Atlantic Forest Avifauna in Paraguay

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"The Annual cycle and natural history of a subtropical, Atlantic Forest Avifauna in Paraguay"
Statement of Responsibility
Mercedes S. Foster and Ned K. Johnson
  • Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
Publication Year
  • 2017
Book size
28 cm

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Summary: We studied the avifauna in an area of subtropical humid forest around Hotel El Tirol (27°11ʹ S, 55°47ʹ W), Department of Itapúa, Paraguay. The study site, a patch of forest connected to other such patches through a network of corridors, is part of the Atlantic Forest Biome, a critically endangered biodiversity hotspot. We recorded 205 species of birds in 45 families and provide information on their annual cycles and natural history based on collected specimens and field observations. Increased knowledge of individual species and the avifauna as a whole will contribute to efforts to maintain and manage the bird species of this endangered biome.-- Provided by publisher

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