Adverbial resumption in verb second languages

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Bibliographic Information

"Adverbial resumption in verb second languages"
Statement of Responsibility
edited by Karen De Clercq ... [et al.]
  • Oxford University Press
Publication Year
  • c2023
Book size
24 cm
Series Name / No
  • : pbk

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Summary: "In verb second (V2) languages, the finite verb typically appears in the second position of the main clause. Languages displaying this configuration typically also allow patterns in which a nominal element at the left edge of the clause is resumed by a nominal constituent which is an argument inside the sentence, effectively leading to a Verb Third (V3) pattern. Such patterns have been studied for a long time; on the other hand, a similar pattern in which an initial adverbial constituent is resumed by a clause-internal element has been much less studied. The latter pattern is referred to as 'adverbial resumption' and it also has the character of being a V3 phenomenon. Therefore, the pattern is labelled 'adverbial V3 resumption' or 'adverbial V3'. Interestingly, adverbial resumption is absent from languages that do not have a V2 pattern, while those languages do display argumental resumption"--Provided by publisher

Includes bibliographical references (p. [355]-378) and index

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