How ideas shape urban political development

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"How ideas shape urban political development"
Statement of Responsibility
edited by Richardson Dilworth and Timothy P.R. Weaver
  • University of Pennsylvania Press
Publication Year
  • c2020
Book size
24 cm

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Includes index

Summary: "Constructivist social scientists take it as self-evident that human societies are constructed by the people who inhabit them. The physical world does not prescribe a particular way that any society should be ordered, its order coming instead from the choices made by the people who comprise these societies. Cities are also historically and socially constructed, not natural creations. This is the basic message of this volume and makes a compelling case for the value of a constructivist approach to understanding urban political development. At a time when constructivism is growing across the social sciences, Richardson Dilworth, Timothy P. R. Weaver, and the other contributors to this volume have made a strong case for understanding why ideas have been the real drivers behind urban political development and why a constructivist understanding is more persuasive than conventional approaches"-- Provided by publisher

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