Exploring base politics : how host countries shape the network of U.S. overseas bases

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"Exploring base politics : how host countries shape the network of U.S. overseas bases"
Statement of Responsibility
edited by Shinji Kawana and Minori Takahashi
  • Routledge
Publication Year
  • 2021
Book size
25 cm
Series Name / No
  • : hard

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Summary: "This book sheds light on the mechanisms of base politics that surround US overseas military bases, comparing several countries across different regions. Analysing cases from Japan, Greenland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Singapore, the contributors paint a detailed and complex picture of the role and impact of US bases. In times of war they project military power, and in times of peace they deter the emergence of general and latent threats. Furthermore, they are used to secure access to resources, and as a means of politically and economically influencing small and mid-size countries. From the viewpoint of the countries that host them, military bases allow the host many benefits of the US security umbrella, but can cause internal problems, including accidents and noise pollution that accompany the functioning of a base, as well as constraining their own sovereignty. Military bases do not simply serve to bring America strategic and security benefits - as symbols of the hiera

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