Advanced Luminescent Materials Based on Organoboron Polymers
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Our work on the characteristics of organoboron‐containing polymers is reviewed. The electronic interaction and correlation involving organoboron complexes are responsible for the optical and electric properties of the polymers. To understand the origins of these properties and apply them to the next generation of new materials, we have gathered not only fundamental knowledge on the electronic states and behaviors of each organoboron complex in the polymers but also on the functions of the polymers in devices. In this article, we introduce our findings obtained from a series of studies on polymers involving cyclodiborazane, quinolate, diketonate, dipyrromethene, pyrazabole, and carborane complexes. In particular, there is a focus on results from recent work.</jats:p>
- Macromolecular Rapid Communications
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 33 (15), 1235-1255, 2012-06-22
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