Bi-directional conversion between microwave and optical frequencies in a piezoelectric optomechanical device

  • Amit Vainsencher
    University of California 1 Department of Physics, , Santa Barbara, 93106, USA
  • K. J. Satzinger
    University of Chicago 2 Institute for Molecular Engineering, , Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA
  • G. A. Peairs
    University of Chicago 2 Institute for Molecular Engineering, , Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA
  • A. N. Cleland
    University of Chicago 2 Institute for Molecular Engineering, , Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA


<jats:p>We describe the principles of design, fabrication, and operation of a piezoelectric optomechanical crystal with which we demonstrate bi-directional conversion of energy between microwave and optical frequencies. The optomechanical crystal has an optical mode at 1523 nm co-located with a mechanical breathing mode at 3.8 GHz, with a measured optomechanical coupling strength gom/2π of 115 kHz. The breathing mode is driven and detected by curved interdigitated transducers that couple to a Lamb mode in suspended membranes on either end of the optomechanical crystal, allowing the external piezoelectric modulation of the optical signal as well as the converse, the detection of microwave electrical signals generated by a modulated optical signal. We compare measurements to theory where appropriate.</jats:p>


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