DNA Methylation

  • M. G. Marinus
    Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester MA 01605
  • A. Løbner-Olesen
    Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, DK-2200, Copenhagen N, Denmark


<jats:p> The DNA of <jats:italic>Escherichia coli</jats:italic> contains 19,120 6-methyladenines and 12,045 5-methylcytosines in addition to the four regular bases, and these are formed by the postreplicative action of three DNA methyltransferases. The majority of the methylated bases are formed by the Dam and Dcm methyltransferases encoded by the <jats:italic> <jats:uri xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="http://biocyc.org/ECOLI/NEW-IMAGE?type=GENE&object=EG10204">dam</jats:uri> </jats:italic> (DNA adenine methyltransferase) and <jats:italic> <jats:uri xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="http://biocyc.org/ECOLI/NEW-IMAGE?type=GENE&object=EG10211">dcm</jats:uri> </jats:italic> (DNA cytosine methyltransferase) genes. Although not essential, Dam methylation is important for strand discrimination during the repair of replication errors, controlling the frequency of initiation of chromosome replication at <jats:italic>oriC</jats:italic> , and the regulation of transcription initiation at promoters containing GATC sequences. In contrast, there is no known function for Dcm methylation, although Dcm recognition sites constitute sequence motifs for Very Short Patch repair of T/G base mismatches. In certain bacteria (e.g., <jats:italic>Vibrio cholerae</jats:italic> , <jats:italic>Caulobacter crescentus</jats:italic> ) adenine methylation is essential, and, in <jats:italic>C. crescentus</jats:italic> , it is important for temporal gene expression, which, in turn, is required for coordinating chromosome initiation, replication, and division. In practical terms, Dam and Dcm methylation can inhibit restriction enzyme cleavage, decrease transformation frequency in certain bacteria, and decrease the stability of short direct repeats and are necessary for site-directed mutagenesis and to probe eukaryotic structure and function. </jats:p>


  • EcoSal Plus

    EcoSal Plus 6 (1), 2014-12-31

    American Society for Microbiology

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