Comparison of Menstruation-Related Symptoms Before and During Menstruation of University Students in Japan, a Year after the COVID-19 Pandemic

DOI Web Site 被引用文献3件 オープンアクセス


<jats:p>The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic affected the daily lifestyle of people, including many aspects affecting young women. Subsequent to the COVID-19 pandemic stress and anxiety have been reported related to menstrual disorders (Takmaz, Gundogmus, Okten, &amp; Gunduz, 2021). The purpose of this study was to investigate the intensity and to compare menstruation-related symptoms before and during menstruation among university students in Japan. We conducted an online cross-sectional study from May to July 2021 using a menstrual distress questionnaire (MDQ) to assess symptoms experienced before and during menstruation. Our results showed that of 141 students, five students (3.5%) did not report any symptoms before menstruation and one student (0.7%) had no symptoms during menstruation. We found that the most frequently experienced symptoms before menstruation were skin blemishes or disorder, mood swings, irritability, swelling, cramps, fatigue, take naps, stay in bed, feeling sad or blue, weight gain and difficulty concentrating. The most frequently experienced symptoms during menstruation were cramps, fatigue, irritability, mood swings, take naps, stay in bed, feeling sad or blue, backache, swelling, skin blemish or disorder, and poor school/work performance. The total MDQ score was significantly higher during menstruation than before menstruation. Among the MDQ eight scales, the scores of five scales including pain, autonomic reaction, impaired concentration, behavior change, and control were significantly higher during menstruation than before menstruation. The prevalence of increased appetite and craving for sweets were higher than MDQ symptoms before menstruation. The prolonged exposure to pandemic may have more effect on psychological symptoms than on physical symptoms.</jats:p>


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