Learning analytics: state of the art


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p><jats:italic>Learning Analytics</jats:italic> is a field that measures, analyses, and reports data about students and their contexts to understand/improve learning and the place in which it occurs. Educational institutions have different motivations to use <jats:italic>Learning Analytics</jats:italic>. Some want to improve students' outcomes or optimize their educational technology and reduce the dropout rate and others. This concept is presented with practical experiences that have been acquired and validated by 16 institutions. Besides, an analysis of the results, challenges, and expectations was performed. It was found that the majority of initiatives use <jats:italic>Learning Analytics</jats:italic> to improve retention of students; few are focused merely on improving the teaching/learning process or academic issues. The organizations invest their resources in acquiring <jats:italic>Learning Analytics</jats:italic> software; however, most universities develop their technology. The technology helps organizations be preventive and not reactive as various models determine students at risk of failing. This information allows them to make suitable interventions, which increases the success of the initiative. <jats:italic>CoViD19</jats:italic> pandemic is also put in context in this research; <jats:italic>Learning Analytics</jats:italic> could be a great approach to help the educational community adapt effectively to the new forms of educational delivery. Based on an exhaustive bibliographic review, various educational projects and experiences were analyzed, presenting an overview detailing applications, results, and potentialities and opportunities, hoping that this article will be a useful reference for researchers and faculty to exploit <jats:italic>Learning Analytics</jats:italic> education. </jats:p>


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