The categorical relational process mechanism in enactment learning: effects of divided attention and categorical cues

  • Lijuan Wang
    School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, People’s Republic of China
  • Qingqing Li
    Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
  • Qiong Wu
    Department of Psychology, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
  • Satoshi Takahashi
    Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
  • Jinglong Wu
    Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of divided attention and the notification of categorical cues on the categorical relational processing of an enactment paradigm. In this study, we c...


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