Identification of Four Immune Subtypes Characterized by Distinct Composition and Functions of Tumor Microenvironment in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

  • Sylvie Job
    Programme Cartes d’Identité des Tumeurs,Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer,Paris,France
  • Delphine Rapoud
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Alexandre Dos Santos
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Patrick Gonzalez
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Christophe Desterke
    Faculté de Médecine du Kremlin Bicetre,University Paris‐Sud, Université Paris‐Saclay,Le Kremlin‐Bicêtre,France
  • Gérard Pascal
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Nabila Elarouci
    Programme Cartes d’Identité des Tumeurs,Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer,Paris,France
  • Mira Ayadi
    Programme Cartes d’Identité des Tumeurs,Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer,Paris,France
  • René Adam
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Daniel Azoulay
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Denis Castaing
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Eric Vibert
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Daniel Cherqui
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Didier Samuel
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Antonio Sa Cuhna
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Agnès Marchio
    Unité ‘Organisation Nucléaire et Oncogenèse’, INSERM U993,Institut Pasteur,Paris,France
  • Pascal Pineau
    Unité ‘Organisation Nucléaire et Oncogenèse’, INSERM U993,Institut Pasteur,Paris,France
  • Catherine Guettier
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France
  • Aurélien de Reyniès
    Programme Cartes d’Identité des Tumeurs,Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer,Paris,France
  • Jamila Faivre
    Hepatobiliary Centre,INSERM, U1193, Paul‐Brousse University Hospital,Villejuif,France


<jats:sec> <jats:title>Background and Aims</jats:title> <jats:p>Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is a severe malignant tumor in which the standard therapies are mostly ineffective. The biological significance of the desmoplastic tumor microenvironment (TME) of ICC has been stressed but was insufficiently taken into account in the search for classifications of ICC adapted to clinical trial design. We investigated the heterogeneous tumor stroma composition and built a TME‐based classification of ICC tumors that detects potentially targetable ICC subtypes.</jats:p> </jats:sec> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Approach and Results</jats:title> <jats:p>We established the bulk gene expression profiles of 78 ICCs. Epithelial and stromal compartments of 23 ICCs were laser microdissected. We quantified 14 gene expression signatures of the TME and those of 3 functional indicators (liver activity, inflammation, immune resistance). The cell population abundances were quantified using the microenvironment cell population‐counter package and compared with immunohistochemistry. We performed an unsupervised TME‐based classification of 198 ICCs (training set) and 368 ICCs (validation set). We determined immune response and signaling features of the different immune subtypes by functional annotations. We showed that a set of 198 ICCs could be classified into 4 TME‐based subtypes related to distinct immune escape mechanisms and patient outcomes. The validity of these immune subtypes was confirmed over an independent set of 368 ICCs and by immunohistochemical analysis of 64 ICC tissue samples. About 45% of ICCs displayed an immune desert phenotype. The other subtypes differed in nature (lymphoid, myeloid, mesenchymal) and abundance of tumor‐infiltrating cells. The inflamed subtype (11%) presented a massive T lymphocyte infiltration, an activation of inflammatory and immune checkpoint pathways, and was associated with the longest patient survival.</jats:p> </jats:sec> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Conclusion</jats:title> <jats:p>We showed the existence of an inflamed ICC subtype, which is potentially treatable with checkpoint blockade immunotherapy.</jats:p> </jats:sec>


  • Hepatology

    Hepatology 72 (3), 965-981, 2020-08-16

    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)

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