Clausal coordination in Finnish Sign Language
- Tommi Jantunen
- University of Jyväskylä
<jats:p>This paper deals with the coordination of clauses in Finnish Sign Language (FinSL). Building on conversational data, the paper first shows that linking in conjunctive coordination in FinSL is primarily asyndetic, whereas in adversative and disjunctive coordination FinSL prefers syndetic linking. Secondly, the paper investigates the nonmanual prosody of coordination: nonmanual activity is shown both to mark the juncture of the coordinand clauses and to draw their contours. Finally, the paper addresses certain forms of clausal coordination in FinSL that are sign language-specific. It is suggested that the sign language-specific properties of coordination are caused both by the fact that signers can use two manual articulators in the production of sentences and by the pervasive iconicity of sign language structure.</jats:p>
- Studies in Language
Studies in Language 40 (1), 204-234, 2016-04-29
John Benjamins Publishing Company
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1360292620633034752
- 15699978
- 03784177
- Data Source
- Crossref