Viruses Causing Gastroenteritis: The Known, The New and Those Beyond
- Bas Oude Munnink
- Laboratory of Experimental Virology, Department of Medical Microbiology, Center for Infection and Immunity Amsterdam (CINIMA), Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Lia Van der Hoek
- Laboratory of Experimental Virology, Department of Medical Microbiology, Center for Infection and Immunity Amsterdam (CINIMA), Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
<jats:p>The list of recently discovered gastrointestinal viruses is expanding rapidly. Whether these agents are actually involved in a disease such as diarrhea is the essential question, yet difficult to answer. In this review a summary of all viruses found in diarrhea is presented, together with the current knowledge about their connection to disease.</jats:p>
- Viruses
Viruses 8 (2), 42-, 2016-02-08
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1360292621092044032
- 10.3390/v8020042
- 19994915
- Data Source
- Crossref