Horizontal convection is non-turbulent


<jats:p>Consider the problem of horizontal convection: a Boussinesq fluid, forced by applying a non-uniform temperature at its top surface, with all other boundaries insulating. We prove that if the viscosity, ν, and thermal diffusivity, κ, are lowered to zero, with σ ≡ ν/κ fixed, then the energy dissipation per unit mass, κ, also vanishes in this limit. Numerical solutions of the two-dimensional case show that despite this anti-turbulence theorem, horizontal convection exhibits a transition to eddying flow, provided that the Rayleigh number is sufficiently high, or the Prandtl number σ sufficiently small. We speculate that horizontal convection is an example of a flow with a large number of active modes which is nonetheless not ‘truly turbulent’ because ε→0 in the inviscid limit.</jats:p>


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