Volatile Secretions in Three Species of Dufourea (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) Bees: Chemical Composition and Phylogeny

  • J. Tengö
    Ecological Station of Uppsala University, S-38600 Färjestaden
  • I. Groth
    Ecological Station of Uppsala University, S-38600 Färjestaden
  • G. Bergström
    Ecological Station of Uppsala University, S-38600 Färjestaden
  • W. Schröder
    Institut für Organische Chemie, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, D -2000 Hamburg 13
  • S. Krohn
    Institut für Organische Chemie, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, D -2000 Hamburg 13
  • W. Francke
    Institut für Organische Chemie, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, D -2000 Hamburg 13


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p> Volatile secretions from Dufour’s glands in three species of Dufourea bees, Dufourea (Halictoides) dentriventris (Nylander). D.(H.) inermis (Nylander) and D. (Dufourea) minuta Lepelletier have been studied by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. It was found that the secretions are composed of complex blends of straight chain saturated and unsaturated 2- and 3-ketones and scries of hexanoic and octanoic esters. Cephalic secretions from males and females of D.(H.) inermis and D.(D.) minuta contain sex- and species-specific blends of methylcarbinols and corresponding long chain carboxylic esters. Mass spectrometric fragmentation patterns of esters are described. </jats:p>


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