Hybrid magnonics: Physics, circuits, and applications for coherent information processing

  • Yi Li
    Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory 1 Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA
  • Wei Zhang
    Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory 1 Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA
  • Vasyl Tyberkevych
    Department of Physics, Oakland University 2 , Rochester, Michigan 48309, USA
  • Wai-Kwong Kwok
    Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory 1 Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA
  • Axel Hoffmann
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3 , Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
  • Valentine Novosad
    Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory 1 Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA


<jats:p>Hybrid dynamic systems have recently gained interest with respect to both fundamental physics and device applications, particularly with their potential for coherent information processing. In this perspective, we will focus on the recent rapid developments of magnon-based hybrid systems, which seek to combine magnonic excitations with diverse excitations for transformative applications in devices, circuits, and information processing. Key to their promising potentials is that magnons are highly tunable excitations and can be easily engineered to couple with various dynamic media and platforms. The capability of reaching strong coupling with many different excitations has positioned magnons well for studying solid-state coherent dynamics and exploiting unique functionality. In addition, with their gigahertz frequency bandwidth and the ease of fabrication and miniaturization, magnonic devices and systems can be conveniently integrated into microwave circuits for mimicking a broad range of device concepts that have been applied in microwave electronics, photonics, and quantum information. We will discuss a few potential directions for advancing magnon hybrid systems, including on-chip geometry, novel coherent magnonic functionality, and coherent transduction between different platforms. As a future outlook, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of magnonic hybrid systems for their applications in quantum information and magnonic logic.</jats:p>


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