Crowd Scene Understanding from Video


  • A Survey


<jats:p>Crowd video analysis has applications in crowd management, public space design, and visual surveillance. Example tasks potentially aided by automated analysis include anomaly detection (such as a person walking against the grain of traffic or rapid assembly/dispersion of groups of people), population and density measurements, and interactions between groups of people. This survey explores crowd analysis as it relates to two primary research areas: crowd statistics and behavior understanding. First, we survey methods for counting individuals and approximating the density of the crowd. Second, we showcase research efforts on behavior understanding as related to crowds. These works focus on identifying groups, interactions within small groups, and abnormal activity detection such as riots and bottlenecks in large crowds. Works presented in this section also focus on tracking groups of individuals, either as a single entity or a subset of individuals within the frame of reference. Finally, a summary of datasets available for crowd activity video research is provided.</jats:p>


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