Updates from the 2020 World Health Organization Classification of Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours

  • William J Anderson
    Department of Pathology Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston MA USA
  • Leona A Doyle
    Department of Pathology Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston MA USA


<jats:p>The fifth edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of soft tissue and bone tumours was published in May 2020. This ‘Blue Book’, which is also available digitally for the first time, incorporates an array of new information on these tumours, amassed in the 7 years since the previous edition. Major advances in molecular characterisation have driven further refinements in classification and the development of ancillary diagnostic tests, and have improved our understanding of disease pathogenesis. Several new entities are also included. This review summarises the main changes introduced in the 2020 WHO classification for each subcategory of soft tissue and bone tumours.</jats:p>


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