Payment formats and hedonic consumption

  • Hsin‐Hsien Liu
    Department of Asia‐Pacific Industrial and Business Management, College of Management National University of Kaohsiung Kaohsiung Taiwan, ROC
  • Hsuan‐Yi Chou
    Institute of Marketing Communication, College of Management National Sun Yat‐sen University Kaohsiung Taiwan, ROC


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Payment formats have many important influences on consumer behavior. However, few studies have examined how the payment format affects hedonic consumption. This study explores how the transparency of the payment format (e.g., bonus points vs. cash) influences consumers’ willingness to pay, budget assignments, and consumption choices through differences in their perceived pain of purchasing (exchanging) hedonic and utilitarian options. Specifically, consumers who pay with highly transparent payment formats (e.g., cash), compared with consumers who pay with less transparent payment formats (e.g., store points, bonus points, and gift certificates), are willing to pay less, assign a lower budget, and are less likely to choose hedonic products. The perceived pain of purchasing (exchanging) a hedonic product plays an important mediating role on the influence of the payment format on hedonic consumption. However, the perceived pain of purchasing (exchanging) a utilitarian option plays a parallel mediating role only when people have paid for the less transparent payment format (e.g., buying store points) rather than when they accumulate the points through previous consumption events. The research findings provide insights that can benefit both theory and practice.</jats:p>


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