On The Current Understanding Of Somaclonal Variation

  • Angela Karp
    Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bristol, AFRC Institute of Arable Crops Research Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol, BS18 9AF, UK


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Over the past decade considerable advances have been made in the genetic engineering of crop plants through the coupling of recombinant DNA techniques with regeneration from plant tissue cultures. Amongst the current problems facing the advance of this technology is the occurrence of uncontrolled instability, or somaclonal variation, that arises through the in vitro culture process. This unexpected source of variation was originally publicized as a potential source of novel crop improvements but it has since become clear that the variation has far wider significance. This review appraises the present status of knowledge of somaclonal variation based on the current understanding of its nature, causes and importance.</jats:p>


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