An Optical Heterodyne Method for Measurement of the Raman-Nath Parameter of Ultrasound
<jats:p> An optical heterodyne method is presented for measuring the Raman-Nath parameter of ultrasound. A light beam passes through a phase grating induced by ultrasound and then is recombined with another light with frequency shifting. The interference distribution of the two light beams is measured by a photodetector placed in the Fresnel region. The Raman-Nath parameter is extracted from the beat signal with the frequency component centered at the difference of the two light beams. A principle is described and favorably compared with experimental results for narrow-band pulsed ultrasound. </jats:p>
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 21 (8A), L505-, 1982-08-01
IOP Publishing
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1360566396791193856
- NII Article ID
- 210000022205
- 13474065
- 00214922
- Data Source
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles