Observation of the dispersion relations for quantized coherent spin waves excited by a microwave antenna
The propagation of coherent spin waves in permalloy microstrips was investigated using a heterodyne-magneto-optical Kerr effect technique. The two-dimensional imaging reveals the mode interference with a high-order spin-wave mode along the microstrip width. The spin-wave dispersion relations across the microstrip width were deduced from fast Fourier transformations on the complex spin-wave amplitude of the one-dimensional scan, and multiple spin-wave modes were observed at the edges of the microstrips. These experimental results provide direct evidence for the quantization of spin-wave dispersion due to the finite width of the microstrips and enables us to evaluate the attenuation length for each quantized spin-wave mode.
- Physical Review B
Physical Review B 102 (21), 214440-, 2020-12-29
American Physical Society (APS)
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1360572092564692224
- 24699969
- 24699950
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