Spectrally tunable infrared plasmonic F,Sn:In2O3 nanocrystal cubes

  • Shin Hum Cho
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Kevin M. Roccapriore
    Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2 , Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
  • Chandriker Kavir Dass
    Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB 3 , Dayton, Ohio 45433, USA
  • Sandeep Ghosh
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Junho Choi
    Department of Physics, Center for Complex Quantum Systems, The University of Texas 5 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Jungchul Noh
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Lauren C. Reimnitz
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Sungyeon Heo
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Kihoon Kim
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Karen Xie
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Brian A. Korgel
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Xiaoqin Li
    Department of Physics, Center for Complex Quantum Systems, The University of Texas 5 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA
  • Joshua R. Hendrickson
    Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB 3 , Dayton, Ohio 45433, USA
  • Jordan A. Hachtel
    Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2 , Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
  • Delia J. Milliron
    McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin 1 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA


<jats:p>A synthetic challenge in faceted metal oxide nanocrystals (NCs) is realizing tunable localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) near-field response in the infrared (IR). Cube-shaped nanoparticles of noble metals exhibit LSPR spectral tunability limited to visible spectral range. Here, we describe the colloidal synthesis of fluorine, tin codoped indium oxide (F,Sn:In2O3) NC cubes with tunable IR range LSPR for around 10 nm particle sizes. Free carrier concentration is tuned through controlled Sn dopant incorporation, where Sn is an aliovalent n-type dopant in the In2O3 lattice. F shapes the NC morphology into cubes by functioning as a surfactant on the {100} crystallographic facets. Cube shaped F,Sn:In2O3 NCs exhibit narrow, shape-dependent multimodal LSPR due to corner, edge, and face centered modes. Monolayer NC arrays are fabricated through a liquid-air interface assembly, further demonstrating tunable LSPR response as NC film nanocavities that can heighten near-field enhancement (NFE). The tunable F,Sn:In2O3 NC near-field is coupled with PbS quantum dots, via the Purcell effect. The detuning frequency between the nanocavity and exciton is varied, resulting in IR near-field dependent enhanced exciton lifetime decay. LSPR near-field tunability is directly visualized through IR range scanning transmission electron microscopy-electron energy loss spectroscopy (STEM-EELS). STEM-EELS mapping of the spatially confined near-field in the F,Sn:In2O3 NC array interparticle gap demonstrates elevated NFE tunability in the arrays.</jats:p>


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