The blood labyrinthine barrier in the human normal and Meniere’s disease macula utricle


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The ultrastructural organization of the blood labyrinthine barrier (BLB) was investigated in the human vestibular endorgan, the utricular macula, using postmortem specimens from individuals with documented normal auditory and vestibular function and surgical specimens from patients with intractable Meniere’s disease. Transmission electron microscopic analysis of capillaries located in the normal human utricular stroma showed vascular endothelial cells with few pinocytotic vesicles, covered by a smooth and uniform basement membrane surrounded by pericyte processes. Meniere’s disease specimens revealed differential ultrastructural pathological changes in the cellular elements of the microvasculature. With moderate degeneration of the BLB, there were numerous vesicles within the vascular endothelial cells (VECs), with increased numbers at the abluminal face, pericyte process detachment and disruption of the perivascular basement membrane surrounding the VECs. With severe degeneration of the BLB, there was severe vacuolization or frank apparent necrosis of VECs and loss of subcellular organelles. A higher severity of BLB degenerative changes was associated with a higher degree of basement membrane thickening and edematous changes within the vestibular stroma. This study presents the first ultrastructural analysis of the capillaries constituting the BLB in the human vestibular macula utricle from normal and Meniere’s disease.</jats:p>


  • Scientific Reports

    Scientific Reports 7 (1), 253-, 2017-03-21

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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