Intercultural sensitivity scale: Proposal for a modified Serbian version


<jats:p>Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) is the main assessment tool for measuring intercultural sensitivity as an affective component of intercultural communication competence. The ISS has been developed based on an American sample and therefore there is a need to check possibilities for its application in another cultural context. In this study, we tested whether the factor structure of the original scale is confirmed in a Serbian sample as well. The results show that the compatibility of factor structure is not satisfactory (c2/df = 3.38; CFI = .78; RMSEA = .07) and the application of the scale requires modification. A proposal for a modified version of the ISS is presented together with evidence for its usage. The main advantages of the modified version are: (a) a corresponding factor structure, (b) higher internal consistency and (c) better prediction of relevant criteria.</jats:p>


  • Psihologija

    Psihologija 48 (3), 199-212, 2015

    National Library of Serbia

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