Parameterization of the Effect of Bench Terraces on Runoff and Sediment Yield by Swat Modeling in a Small Semi‐arid Watershed in Northern Tunisia
- Walid Ben Khelifa
- National Research Institute of Rural Engineering, Water and Forests (INRGREF) Rue Hédi El Karray El Menzah IV‐BP N°10 2080 Ariana Tunisia
- Taoufik Hermassi
- National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia (INAT) 43, Avenue Charles Nicolle 1082 Tunis‐Mahrajène Tunisia
- Stefan Strohmeier
- International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas 15 Khalid Abu Dalbouh St., Abdoon Eshamali P.O. Box 950764 Amman Jordan
- Claudio Zucca
- International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas 15 Khalid Abu Dalbouh St., Abdoon Eshamali P.O. Box 950764 Amman Jordan
- Feras Ziadat
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Vialedelle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome Italy
- Mohamed Boufaroua
- Ministry of Agriculture 30 rue Alain Savary 1002 Tunis Tunisia
- Hamadi Habaieb
- National Research Institute of Rural Engineering, Water and Forests (INRGREF) Rue Hédi El Karray El Menzah IV‐BP N°10 2080 Ariana Tunisia
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>In Tunisia, soil and water conservation interventions are among the most practicable strategies to prevent and mitigate rainwater losses through surface runoff and consequential erosion of fertile soils. In this study, a small and terraced agricultural catchment (Sbaihia) was used as an experimental site to analyze and parameterize the effects of bench terraces on water and sediment yield using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Model calibration and validation was performed, taking advantage from high‐quality daily runoff data from 1994 to 2000 and a high‐resolution bathymetric survey of the hill lake at the watershed outlet. Soil and Water Assessment Tool indicated that the local terraces, established on approximately 50% of the watershed area, reduced surface runoff by around 19% and sediment yield by around 22%, decelerating the siltation of the hill lake. Targeted model calibration delivered concise parameter set describing bench terrace impacts on runoff (Soil Conservation Service curve number method) and sediment yield (Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation) crucial for outscaling of soil and water conservation impacts and suitable watershed management. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.</jats:p>
- Land Degradation & Development
Land Degradation & Development 28 (5), 1568-1578, 2017-04-26
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1360855568523517184
- 10.1002/ldr.2685
- 1099145X
- 10853278
- データソース種別
- Crossref