Review of cavity-stabilized combustion for scramjet applications

  • Zhenguo Wang
    Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
  • Hongbo Wang
    Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
  • Mingbo Sun
    Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China


<jats:p> Cavities are widely used as flameholders in supersonic combustors due to their outstanding potential to stabilize combustion without excessive total pressure loss. A review of cavity-stabilized combustion for scramjet applications is provided in this article. The topics cover the fundamental problems and recent advances regarding cavity-organized combustion in high-speed flows, including combustion stabilization modes and mechanisms, flame stability analyses and correlations, combustion oscillations, and other related issues. Remarkable questions such as cavity-coupled fuel injection, flow and combustion coupling, optimal cavity geometry and scale, auto-ignition and flame propagation interactions, and unsteady effects are discussed. Then, an attempt is made to provide some guidelines for the future research of cavity flameholders. </jats:p>


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