They Came, They Surfed, They Went Back to the Beach: Conceptualizing Use and Non-Use of the Internet


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>This chapter reports research that draws on insights and approaches from cultural studies, and science and technology studies, in order to explore how the internet has been and continues to be socially produced. Many ‘information society’ enthusiasts claim that the internet will improve access to information and entertainment and lead to greater social justice. Dissident voices suggest it will exacerbate social inequalities through the creation of information haves and have-nots and result in greater social control through the growth of elec tronic surveillance. Technological determinism can be detected on both sides. We reject technological determinism and instead highlight the complexity and dynamism of the internet, and contribute to the development of a sceptical critique of the ‘information society’.</jats:p>


  • Virtual Society?

    Virtual Society? 23-40, 2002-09-26

    Oxford University PressOxford

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