Cytocompatibility of calcium phosphate coatings deposited by an ArF pulsed laser

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In the current studies, we deposited ultra-thin hydroxyapatite films on a pure titanium substrate by pulsed laser deposition, and we examined the effects of these surfaces on rat bone marrow (RBM) cells. This method allowed deposition of 500-, 2000-, and 5000-Angstrom-thick hydroxyapatite films. X-ray diffraction showed that the amorphous films recrystallized to a hydroxyapatite crystal structure after annealing. The proliferation of RBM cells was unaffected by the hydroxyapatite films, but osteocalsin and alkaline phosphatase mRNA and protein levels were elevated in cells grown on 2000- and 5000-Angstrom-thick films. These results indicate that ultra-thin hydroxyapatite films generated by pulsed laser deposition are better at promoting osteogenesis than pure titanium surfaces.


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