Plant organellar RNA editing: what 30 years of research has revealed

  • Ian D. Small
    ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology School of Molecular Sciences The University of Western Australia Perth WA 6009 Australia
  • Mareike Schallenberg‐Rüdinger
    IZMB – Institut für Zelluläre und Molekulare Botanik Abt. Molekulare Evolution University of Bonn Kirschallee 1 53115 Bonn Germany
  • Mizuki Takenaka
    Department of Botany Graduate School of Science Kyoto University Oiwake‐cho, Sakyo‐ku Kyoto 606‐8502 Japan
  • Hakim Mireau
    Institut Jean‐Pierre Bourgin INRA AgroParisTech CNRS Université Paris‐Saclay RD10, 78026 Versailles Cedex France
  • Oren Ostersetzer‐Biran
    Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Institute of Life Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Edmond J. Safra Campus ‐ Givat Ram Jerusalem 9190401 Israel


<jats:title>Summary</jats:title><jats:p>The central dogma in biology defines the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. Accordingly, RNA molecules generally accurately follow the sequences of the genes from which they are transcribed. This rule is transgressed by RNA editing, which creates RNA products that differ from their DNA templates. Analyses of the RNA landscapes of terrestrial plants have indicated that RNA editing (in the form of C‐U base transitions) is highly prevalent within organelles (that is, mitochondria and chloroplasts). Numerous C→U conversions (and in some plants also U→C) alter the coding sequences of many of the organellar transcripts and can also produce translatable mRNAs by creating AUG start sites or eliminating premature stop codons, or affect the RNA structure, influence splicing and alter the stability of RNAs. RNA‐binding proteins are at the heart of post‐transcriptional RNA expression. The C‐to‐U RNA editing process in plant mitochondria involves numerous nuclear‐encoded factors, many of which have been identified as pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins that target editing sites in a sequence‐specific manner. In this review we report on major discoveries on RNA editing in plant organelles, since it was first documented 30 years ago.</jats:p>


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