Autologous Fat Injection for Vocal Cord Medialization in the Canine Larynx
<jats:p>This study examined the use of autologous fat as an alternative to Teflon® and collagen as the implantable material in vocal cord medialization. Five animals underwent left recurrent laryngeal nerve sections with subsequent fat harvest and implantation into the left true vocal cords. Three animals were killed after 48 hours and 2 after 3 weeks; their larynges were examined with light microscopy.</jats:p><jats:p>The results of the 48‐hour samples show moderate acute inflammation and few areas of focal necrosis. The 3‐week samples show no necrotic foci, minimal foreign‐body reaction, and maintenance of structure and volume of the injected fat.</jats:p><jats:p>Autologous fat may prove to be a valuable alternative to nonautologous injectable material in vocal cord augmentation.</jats:p>
- The Laryngoscope
The Laryngoscope 101 (4), 344-348, 1991-04