High Prevalence of the CagA-positive Helicobacter pylori Strains in Japanese Asymptomatic Patients and Gastric Cancer Patients


Several studies have shown that infection of Helicobacter pylori strains possessing cagA is associated with atrophic gastritis and gastric cancers.In 58 pairs of early gastric cancer patients and sex- and age-matched controls, isolated H. pylori strains were tested for possession of cagA. The presence of atrophic gastritis was also examined.Proportions of cagA-positive strains were 100% in cancer patients and 92.3% in controls. Atrophic gastritis was seen in 96.7% and 95.8% of cancer and control patients in whom cagA-positive strains (NS) were detected. However, it was seen in only 20% of H. pylori-negative control patients (P0.01).The present results do not suggest any specific association between cagA-positive strains and gastric cancer. However, frequent prevalence of cagA-positive strains might be associated with the high incidence of atrophic gastritis in Japanese populations.


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