Electronic transport in chemical vapor deposited graphene synthesized on Cu: Quantum Hall effect and weak localization
- Helin Cao
- Purdue University 1 Department of Physics, , West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
- Qingkai Yu
- University of Houston 3 Center for Advanced Materials, , Houston, Texas 77204, USA
- L. A. Jauregui
- Purdue University 2 Birck Nanotechnology Center, , West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
- J. Tian
- Purdue University 1 Department of Physics, , West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
- W. Wu
- University of Houston 3 Center for Advanced Materials, , Houston, Texas 77204, USA
- Z. Liu
- University of Houston 3 Center for Advanced Materials, , Houston, Texas 77204, USA
- R. Jalilian
- Purdue University 1 Department of Physics, , West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
- D. K. Benjamin
- Georgia Institute of Technology 5 School of Physics, , Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA
- Z. Jiang
- Georgia Institute of Technology 5 School of Physics, , Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA
- J. Bao
- University of Houston 3 Center for Advanced Materials, , Houston, Texas 77204, USA
- S. S. Pei
- University of Houston 3 Center for Advanced Materials, , Houston, Texas 77204, USA
- Yong P. Chen
- Purdue University 1 Department of Physics, , West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
<jats:p>We report on electronic properties of graphene synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on copper then transferred to SiO2/Si. Wafer-scale (up to 4 in.) graphene films have been synthesized, consisting dominantly of monolayer graphene as indicated by spectroscopic Raman mapping. Low temperature transport measurements are performed on microdevices fabricated from such CVD graphene, displaying ambipolar field effect (with on/off ratio ∼5 and carrier mobilities up to ∼3000 cm2/V s) and “half-integer” quantum Hall effect, a hall-mark of intrinsic electronic properties of monolayer graphene. We also observe weak localization and extract information about phase coherence and scattering of carriers.</jats:p>
- Applied Physics Letters
Applied Physics Letters 96 (12), 122106-, 2010-03-22
AIP Publishing