Spatial remapping of touch: Confusion of perceived stimulus order across hand and foot

  • Tobias Schicke
    Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 11, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
  • Brigitte Röder
    Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 11, 20146 Hamburg, Germany


<jats:p>The “body schema,” a spatial representation of the body in its environment, has been suggested to be an emergent property of a widespread network of effector-specific frontal and parietal areas, many of which integrate sensory input from the different modalities. On a behavioral level, such multimodality has been shown with temporal order judgment tasks, in which participants decide which of the two hands received a tactile stimulus first. The accuracy of these judgments is influenced by body posture, indicating that tactile stimuli are not simply represented in an anatomical reference frame, but are transformed into external spatial coordinates. So far, these studies have only investigated the hands. It is therefore unclear whether a default remapping of touch into external space is a special feature of visual–manual control or whether all body parts are represented in a common nonanatomically anchored reference frame. In the present study, blindfolded participants made temporal order judgments of stimuli presented to both hands, both feet, or one hand and one foot. The stimulated limbs were held in either a parallel or a crossed posture. Judgments were equally impaired by limb crossing in all limb combinations (hands only, feet only, hand and foot). These results suggest a remapping of tactile location of all body parts into a nonanatomically anchored and, importantly, common reference frame rather than a specific remapping for eye–hand coordination only.</jats:p>


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