Direct Observation of Photoisomerization of a Polymer Monolayer on a Water Surface by X-ray Reflectometry

  • Keitaro Kago
    Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan, and Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
  • Maren Fürst
    Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan, and Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
  • Hideki Matsuoka
    Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan, and Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
  • Hitoshi Yamaoka
    Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan, and Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
  • Takahiro Seki
    Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan, and Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan


X-ray reflectivity (XR) measurements were carried out for monolayers of poly(vinyl alcohol) containing a photochromic azobenzene side chain (6Az10-PVA) on a water surface. Kiessig fringes were observed for specular measurement for 6Az10-PVA monolayers on a water surface. By the irradiation of visible and ultraviolet light, azobenzene shows a photoisomeric conformational change between trans and cis forms, respectively. The structural change of a 6Az10-PVA monolayer on a water surface was detected by in-situ XR measurement. By analyzing the XR data, it was indicated that the thickness of the monolayer became thicker for the trans form than for the cis form. This reflects that the side chain should stretch to the direction perpendicular to the water surface with the conformational change from cis to trans form, in addition to the longer chain length for the trans form.


  • Langmuir

    Langmuir 15 (7), 2237-2240, 1999-03-01

    American Chemical Society (ACS)

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