Penetration of a radio frequency electromagnetic field into a magnetized plasma: one-dimensional PIC simulation studies


Penetration of a radio frequency (rf) electromagnetic field into a magnetized plasma is discussed by performing one-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. We consider two models: an electrostatic (ES) model using an external rf voltage and an electromagnetic (EM) model using an external rf current. The background magnetic field is perpendicular to the one-dimensional system. In the ES model, the external rf voltage across the plasma produces the rf electric field into the plasma. When ω rf =Ω e /2, where ω rf and Ω e are the externally applied field and electron gyrofrequencies, respectively, the ion-rich sheath is formed due to the electron wall loss caused by the electron polarization drift. When ω rf =ω LH /2, where ω LH is the lower hybrid frequency, the electron-rich sheath is formed due to the ion wall loss caused by its larger gyroradius than the electron. In the EM model, an induced electromagnetic field via the external rf current forms a standing wave in the plasma region bounded by the external antennas. When the diameter of the plasma is equal to the wave length, the spatial/temporal profiles of the rf standing waves are well explained by a cold collisionless plasma linear theory except for the existence of the sheath. When the rf magnetic field is increased to 10 % of the background magnetic field, the waveforms become irregular and complex because of the boundary effects.


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