Dose distribution of carbon ions in air assessed using imaging plates and ionization chamber


Abstract A system to expose biological specimens to medium-energy (2.6–6.0  MeV/u) irradiation has been developed at the NIRS-HIMAC. In order to determine the beam energy or LET at the irradiation position in air, the dose distribution for 6.0  MeV/u carbon beam has been obtained using a secondary electron monitor and a flat-type ionization chamber by using air as the energy absorber. Imaging plates were applied to assess the beam profile distribution. The intensity of photo-stimulated luminescence (PSL) was found to be almost proportional to the energy deposited within the sensitive layer of the imaging plate. It has been confirmed that a uniform irradiation field can be produced (about ± 5 % within 20 mm in diameter) at low-intensity exposure from 10 1 to 10 4 ions / cm 2 / s . Long-term beam stability in the low-intensity condition has also been demonstrated. As a consequence, the methodology for uniform, stable and low-intensity beam exposure has been established, and the continuously variable linear energy transfer (LET) values have also been obtained by changing the distance from the endcap of beamport, for biological studies.


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