Electron microscopic study of the in vivo zona pellucida binding ability of epididymal ram spermatozoa


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>In the ram, spermatozoa develop the ability to initiate pregnancy only after reaching the body of the epididymis. To determine the zona pellucida binding ability of ram spermatozoa collected from different levels of the epididymis, sufficient numbers of motile sperm cells of different epididymal origin were inseminated surgically below the uterotubal junction of ewes at the time of ovulation. Intratubal ova were recovered 24 hr later, and those having spermatozoa attached to the zona were examined by transmission electron microscopy to assess the characteristics of the bound spermatozoa. Data indicate that the ability of the capacitated spermatozoa to adhere to the zona pellucida depends on sperm egg binding sites that develop on the acrosomal membranes from the apex to equatorial segment during epididymal transit.</jats:p>


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