Multilineage Potential of Adult Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

  • Mark F. Pittenger
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Alastair M. Mackay
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Stephen C. Beck
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Rama K. Jaiswal
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Robin Douglas
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Joseph D. Mosca
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Mark A. Moorman
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Donald W. Simonetti
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Stewart Craig
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.
  • Daniel R. Marshak
    Osiris Therapeutics, 2001 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21231–3043, USA.


<jats:p>Human mesenchymal stem cells are thought to be multipotent cells, which are present in adult marrow, that can replicate as undifferentiated cells and that have the potential to differentiate to lineages of mesenchymal tissues, including bone, cartilage, fat, tendon, muscle, and marrow stroma. Cells that have the characteristics of human mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from marrow aspirates of volunteer donors. These cells displayed a stable phenotype and remained as a monolayer in vitro. These adult stem cells could be induced to differentiate exclusively into the adipocytic, chondrocytic, or osteocytic lineages. Individual stem cells were identified that, when expanded to colonies, retained their multilineage potential.</jats:p>


  • Science

    Science 284 (5411), 143-147, 1999-04-02

    American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

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