Importance of not skipping breakfast: a review

  • Rekha Rani
    Department of Dairy Technology, Warner College of Dairy Technology Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh 211007 India
  • Chetan N. Dharaiya
    Department of Dairy Technology, SMC College of Dairy Science Anand Agriculture University Anand Gujarat 388110 India
  • Bhopal Singh
    Department of Dairy Technology, Faculty of sciences DayalBag Educational Institute (Deemed University) Dayalbagh, Agra UttarPradesh 282005 India


<jats:title>Summary</jats:title><jats:p>Breakfast is most important meal of the day and usually taken after night fast or after a long gap. Various health surveys and cross‐sectional studies reported morning meal positive effect on memory recall, children performance, mood, work performance, cognitive function, women health like irregular mensuration and reduction in obesity and effect on body mass index. Still people skip breakfast throughout the world due to several reasons like lack of time, family environment, single‐parent family, not feeling hunger in morning or having several misconceptions like thinking of being obese. Skipping morning meal has an adverse effect on health. This review focuses on awareness of breakfast and its positive impact on health as the breakfast skipping trend is increasing around the world and also drawing the attention of researchers to develop convenient, nutritious breakfast options and awareness programmes for significance of breakfast.</jats:p>


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