Optimization of Carrot Juice Color and Cloud Stability


<jats:title>ABSTRACT</jats:title><jats:p>Investigations were conducted on the effects of heating, acidification, and enzyme treatment on carrot juice color and cloud stability. Heating whole carrots to 93°C prior to milling and pressing improved juice color, but reduced juice yield compared to heating milled carrots to 93°C. Juice color was improved by acidification of milled carrots to pH 5 or 4 with citric acid prior to pressing. Juice from carrots heated before milling clarified quickly if not acidified before pressing. Acidification after juice extraction did not stabilize cloud. A commercial pectinase/hemicellulase preparation improved juice color, but not juice yield. Only 20% of potential β‐carotene was extracted from carrots during pressing, and β‐carotene was extracted to a greater extent than α‐carotene.</jats:p>


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