The volume fraction and temperature dependence of the resistivity in carbon black and graphite polymer composites: An effective media—percolation approach


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>A quantitative general effective media (GEM) equation is used to describe a broad range of experimental resistivity‐volume fraction results for graphite‐polymer and carbon black‐polymer composites. The parameters used are the resistivities of each component and the two percolation morphology parameters, a critical volume fraction, ϕ<jats:sub><jats:italic>c</jats:italic></jats:sub>, and an exponent, <jats:italic>t</jats:italic>. A preliminary model, also based on the GEM equation, is used to describe the temperature variation of the resistivity of the diphasic material near the critical volume fraction.</jats:p>


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